Friday, May 23, 2008

Open Garden Days

Let's say the truth, Amsterdam is best known around the world for its wild side, for its tolerance, for its freedom. Yet Amsterdam is way more than that! If you wish to discover one of Amsterdam's hidden sides we advise you to be there from the 20th to the 22nd of June 2008.
In those three days the Canal Museums are going to give you the chance to view Amsterdam's hidden gardens.
This happening takes place once a year when, thanks to the kindness of private homeowners and various institutions, the doors to private gardens and spectacular hidden arbours remain open from
10 am to 5 pm. The Open Garden Days will let you see what goes on beyond some of the most beautiful façades of Amsterdam, and, with a ticket of 12 €, you will have the opportunity to board the canal boat that will bring you to these awesome hidden Amsterdam's secret gardens.

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